Women's Cross Country
NCAA Division III South/Southeast Regional Championship
Saturday, 2012-nov-10

Event: 6k
Location: Hampton, GA
Host: Emory University
Course: Nash Battlefield Farm
Teams: 26
Athletes: 184


Place Team Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total mark Average Spread
1 Trinity (Tex.) 39 2 3 6 12 16 25 28 1:54:22.93 22:52.59 1:15.3
2 Emory 132 17 21 29 32 33 45 50 1:59:13.6 23:50.72 30.94
3 Centre 142 7 20 30 39 46 109 131 1:59:21.53 23:52.31 1:24.63
4 Washington and Lee 151 8 9 24 35 75 81 94 1:59:18.59 23:51.72 2:08.64
5 Bridgewater (Va.) 176 4 5 41 44 82 83 91 1:59:23.87 23:52.77 2:56.95
6 Mary Washington 234 18 26 54 56 80 87 90 2:02:15.9 24:27.18 1:50.97
7 Catholic 251 15 19 27 89 101 113 140 2:02:42.5 24:32.5 2:41.14
8 Lynchburg 257 11 43 49 61 93 95 110 2:03:08.15 24:37.63 2:32.33
8 Rhodes 257 10 48 62 68 69 107 108 2:03:02.99 24:36.6 1:53.1
10 Eastern Mennonite 287 36 40 63 70 78 88 92 2:03:57.79 24:47.56 1:14.41
11 Roanoke 299 14 23 55 103 104 111 136 2:04:15.63 24:51.13 2:48.2
12 Christopher Newport 319 51 53 66 72 77 115   2:04:54.89 24:58.98 41.63
13 Texas Lutheran 359 31 58 67 98 105 119 128 2:06:18.03 25:15.61 2:14.94
14 University of the South 376 42 65 84 86 99 102 106 2:06:34.22 25:18.84 1:43.47
15 Virginia Wesleyan 424 47 71 73 100 133 162   2:08:52.75 25:46.55 3:15.94
16 Mississippi College 438 22 64 96 112 144     2:10:13.53 26:02.71 5:14.4
16 Southwestern (Tex.) 438 13 57 116 123 129 134 135 2:09:40.35 25:56.07 4:13.41
18 Concordia (Tex.) 472 59 74 76 120 143 154   2:10:53 26:10.6 3:40.61
19 Meredith 491 34 97 114 121 125 126 127 2:11:01 26:12.2 3:07.56
20 Mary Baldwin 543 1 118 122 149 153 159   2:14:57.95 26:59.59 7:32.42
21 Maryville (Tenn.) 547 52 60 138 147 150 157 161 2:16:25.46 27:17.09 4:44.41
22 Spelman 556 37 38 145 166 170     2:27:00.52 29:24.1 12:49.77
23 Millsaps 640 79 132 141 142 146     2:19:04.57 27:48.91 3:47.03
24 Guilford 642 85 117 137 139 164 168 169 2:20:33.81 28:06.76 6:08.7
25 Hendrix 737 124 148 151 156 158 160 165 2:26:22.65 29:16.53 3:18.57
26 Oglethorpe 767 130 152 155 163 167 171   2:31:24.61 30:16.92 4:52.6


Place Score Team Spread Average
Score First Name Last Name Class Place Mark Gap Avg Diff
1 39 Trinity (Tex.) 1:15.3 22:52.59
2 Vanessa Moreno   2 22:12.24   -40.35
3 Maddie Murphy   3 22:25.85 13.61 -26.74
6 Rosemary Steup   6 22:54.06 28.21 1.47
12 Jackie Newell   13 23:23.24 29.18 30.65
16 Jessica Pagano   17 23:27.54 4.3 34.95
25 Nicola Hill   26 23:48.86 21.32  
28 Jessie Dean   29 23:56.71 7.85  
2 132 Emory 30.94 23:50.72
17 Marissa Gogniat So 18 23:31.63   -19.09
21 Hannah Moriarty So 22 23:38.94 7.31 -11.78
29 Aileen Rivell Fr 30 23:58.32 19.38 7.6
32 Tamara Surtees So 33 24:02.14 3.82 11.42
33 Calley Edwards Sr 34 24:02.57 .43 11.85
45 Stephanie Crane So 46 24:25.58 23.01  
50 Hannah Smith So 53 24:36.16 10.58  
3 142 Centre 1:24.63 23:52.31
7 Ashley El Rady   7 23:01.05   -51.26
20 Hannah Ellis   21 23:36.77 35.72 -15.54
30 Emily Akin   31 24:00.21 23.44 7.9
39 Cristin Palmer   40 24:17.82 17.61 25.51
46 Megan Radenhausen   47 24:25.68 7.86 33.37
109 Camille Seger   116 26:29.40 2:03.72  
131 Katie Coldiron   142 27:44.70 1:15.3  
4 151 Washington and Lee 2:08.64 23:51.72
8 Molly Ortiz   8 23:07.11   -44.61
9 Lauren Schultz   9 23:08.58 1.47 -43.14
24 Annelise Madison   25 23:42.83 34.25 -8.89
35 Casey Mackintosh   36 24:04.32 21.49 12.6
75 Rachel Soloman   80 25:15.75 1:11.43 1:24.03
81 Teresa Soley   86 25:25.42 9.67  
94 Brandie Huffman   100 25:54.32 28.9  
5 176 Bridgewater (Va.) 2:56.95 23:52.77
4 Olivia Mills   4 22:31.24   -1:21.53
5 Kaylee Kubisiak   5 22:39.34 8.1 -1:13.43
41 Whitney Fitzgerald   42 24:20.07 1:40.73 27.3
44 Zanny Ludtke   45 24:25.03 4.96 32.26
82 Lauren Johnson   87 25:28.19 1:03.16 1:35.42
83 Stephanie Breen   88 25:30.06 1.87  
91 Makenzie McDonald   97 25:45.68 15.62  
6 234 Mary Washington 1:50.97 24:27.18
18 Tara Landy   19 23:32.87   -54.31
26 Liz Green   27 23:51.04 18.17 -36.14
54 Trinity Smyth   58 24:42.84 51.8 15.66
56 Colleen Boyle   60 24:45.31 2.47 18.13
80 Caroline Cerand   85 25:23.84 38.53 56.66
87 Lauren Braney   92 25:34.84 11  
90 Samantha Park   95 25:42.27 7.43  
7 251 Catholic 2:41.14 24:32.5
15 Rebecca Radcliffe   16 23:26.31   -1:06.19
19 Keely Eckberg   20 23:36.52 10.21 -55.98
27 Laura Kinley   28 23:52.02 15.5 -40.48
89 Cristina Butrico   94 25:40.20 1:48.18 1:07.7
101 Erin Schlegel   107 26:07.45 27.25 1:34.95
113 Kristen Rayfield   120 26:35.23 27.78  
140 Grace Lally   151 28:23.37 1:48.14  
8 257 Lynchburg 2:32.33 24:37.63
11 Kiley Trennepohl   12 23:19.77   -1:17.86
43 Leidy Arias Bernal   44 24:22.06 1:02.29 -15.57
49 Ashley Saba   51 24:34.81 12.75 -2.82
61 Suki Hoffman   65 24:59.41 24.6 21.78
93 Jacqueline Graham   99 25:52.10 52.69 1:14.47
95 Miriam Oweis   101 25:56.46 4.36  
110 Tracy Estelus   117 26:30.61 34.15  
8 257 Rhodes 1:53.1 24:36.6
10 Brittany Alexander   11 23:15.49   -1:21.11
48 Hillary Quirk   49 24:31.33 1:15.84 -5.27
62 Claire Coulter   66 25:00.13 28.8 23.53
68 Micah Leonard   73 25:07.45 7.32 30.85
69 Ainsley Pittman   74 25:08.59 1.14 31.99
107 Becca Olivarez   113 26:19.64 1:11.05  
108 Nancy-Margar Wehby   115 26:25.34 5.7  
10 287 Eastern Mennonite 1:14.41 24:47.56
36 Hann Chappell-Dick   37 24:04.92   -42.64
40 Lanae Kreider   41 24:19.69 14.77 -27.87
63 Krista Rittenhouse   67 25:01.84 42.15 14.28
70 Allison Eanes   75 25:12.01 10.17 24.45
78 Chafin Brumfield   83 25:19.33 7.32 31.77
88 Juni Schirch   93 25:37.44 18.11  
92 Jolee Paden   98 25:50.75 13.31  
11 299 Roanoke 2:48.2 24:51.13
14 Leigh Schimmoeller   15 23:25.93   -1:25.2
23 Grace England   24 23:40.90 14.97 -1:10.23
55 Emily Reichenbach   59 24:44.38 1:03.48 -6.75
103 Hannah Cline   109 26:10.29 1:25.91 1:19.16
104 Anna Noble   110 26:14.13 3.84 1:23
111 Rosemary Mulligan   118 26:33.71 19.58  
136 Melissa Bauerle   147 28:02.19 1:28.48  
12 319 Christopher Newport 41.63 24:58.98
51 Alexa Tabackman   54 24:36.40   -22.58
53 Erin Rolaf   56 24:41.53 5.13 -17.45
66 Eliza Eaton   71 25:05.29 23.76 6.31
72 Melissa Rizor   77 25:13.64 8.35 14.66
77 Deanna Corts   82 25:18.03 4.39 19.05
115 Jessica McClelland   122 26:41.54 1:23.51  
13 359 Texas Lutheran 2:14.94 25:15.61
31 Keelin Treacy   32 24:01.23   -1:14.38
58 Melissa Longoria   62 24:48.96 47.73 -26.65
67 Chelsea Johnson   72 25:07.41 18.45 -8.2
98 Samantha Lopez   104 26:04.26 56.85 48.65
105 Jasmine Medrano   111 26:16.17 11.91 1:00.56
119 Ashley Meadows   129 26:55.15 38.98  
128 Amanda Lopez   138 27:35.63 40.48  
14 376 University of the South 1:43.47 25:18.84
42 Willow Smith   43 24:20.84   -58
65 Cate Hargrove   69 25:04.78 43.94 -14.06
84 Cara Martin   89 25:30.12 25.34 11.28
86 Ansley McDurmon   91 25:34.17 4.05 15.33
99 Sarah Haroldson   105 26:04.31 30.14 45.47
102 Caroline Roberts   108 26:08.47 4.16  
106 Zoe Dubin   112 26:17.39 8.92  
15 424 Virginia Wesleyan 3:15.94 25:46.55
47 Shelby Bryceland   48 24:31.27   -1:15.28
71 Liz Wade   76 25:12.28 41.01 -34.27
73 Emma Helsel   78 25:15.20 2.92 -31.35
100 Courtney Gwin   106 26:06.79 51.59 20.24
133 Shakiella Daniel   144 27:47.21 1:40.42 2:00.66
162 Courtney Mebane   174 31:16.07 3:28.86  
16 438 Mississippi College 5:14.4 26:02.71
22 Jennifer Cooper   23 23:40.64   -2:22.07
64 Meredith Johnson   68 25:03.06 1:22.42 -59.65
96 Varina Hart   102 25:59.99 56.93 -2.72
112 Mallory Montgomery   119 26:34.80 34.81 32.09
144 Taylor Masson   155 28:55.04 2:20.24 2:52.33
16 438 Southwestern (Tex.) 4:13.41 25:56.07
13 Lilly Duarte   14 23:25.19   -2:30.88
57 Kara Koinis   61 24:47.61 1:22.42 -1:08.46
116 Jillan Curran   123 26:41.61 1:54 45.54
123 Aimee Slagle   133 27:07.34 25.73 1:11.27
129 Christina Hadly   139 27:38.60 31.26 1:42.53
134 Laura Wooden   145 27:59.18 20.58  
135 Brandi Martin   146 28:01.02 1.84  
18 472 Concordia (Tex.) 3:40.61 26:10.6
59 Maegan Leider   63 24:51.83   -1:18.77
74 Megan Wagenaar   79 25:15.38 23.55 -55.22
76 Caitlin Rowlette   81 25:17.51 2.13 -53.09
120 Celeste Neff   130 26:55.84 1:38.33 45.24
143 Ha Van Klompenburg   154 28:32.44 1:36.6 2:21.84
154 Becka Reina   166 29:52.70 1:20.26  
19 491 Meredith 3:07.56 26:12.2
34 Morgan Youd   35 24:03.42   -2:08.78
97 Allie Gallagher   103 26:02.01 1:58.59 -10.19
114 Illa Jones   121 26:40.00 37.99 27.8
121 Maggie Robinson   131 27:04.59 24.59 52.39
125 Megan Beebe   135 27:10.98 6.39 58.78
126 Ashley Kate Kesler   136 27:12.57 1.59  
127 Lara Pantlin   137 27:20.80 8.23  
20 543 Mary Baldwin 7:32.42 26:59.59
1 Sophia Stone   1 22:03.69   -4:55.9
118 Amanda Fadden   127 26:51.22 4:47.53 -8.37
122 Wendy Deptula   132 27:05.95 14.73 6.36
149 Virginia McGiboney   160 29:20.98 2:15.03 2:21.39
153 Amanda Harrison   165 29:36.11 15.13 2:36.52
159 Victoria Barrett   171 30:45.94 1:09.83  
21 547 Maryville (Tenn.) 4:44.41 27:17.09
52 Camilla Loggins   55 24:39.11   -2:37.98
60 Emily Guillaume   64 24:53.59 14.48 -2:23.5
138 Ashlyn Kittrell   149 28:20.52 3:26.93 1:03.43
147 Sarah McGinnis   158 29:08.72 48.2 1:51.63
150 Taylor Huskey   161 29:23.52 14.8 2:06.43
157 Brandi Millsaps   169 30:21.94 58.42  
161 Nicole McNabb   173 30:57.46 35.52  
22 556 Spelman 12:49.77 29:24.1
37 Kamila Nemmcova   38 24:11.56   -5:12.54
38 Heather Smith   39 24:14.23 2.67 -5:09.87
145 Altereasa Foster   156 29:01.50 4:47.27 -22.6
166 Morgan Love   178 32:31.90 3:30.4 3:07.8
170 JaaEl Lewis   183 37:01.33 4:29.43 7:37.23
23 640 Millsaps 3:47.03 27:48.91
79 Sara Sacks   84 25:20.58   -2:28.33
132 Melinda Solomon   143 27:46.99 2:26.41 -1.92
141 Laney Lenox   152 28:24.11 37.12 35.2
142 Mikaela Thurber   153 28:25.28 1.17 36.37
146 Susan Fasano   157 29:07.61 42.33 1:18.7
24 642 Guilford 6:08.7 28:06.76
85 Jasmine O'Neill   90 25:32.16   -2:34.6
117 Rebecca Reyna   126 26:46.96 1:14.8 -1:19.8
137 Emily Cash   148 28:12.10 1:25.14 5.34
139 Pasangi Perera   150 28:21.73 9.63 14.97
164 Colleen Gonzalez   176 31:40.86 3:19.13 3:34.1
168 Jamie Luckhaus   181 33:31.97 1:51.11  
169 Rachel Flint   182 36:22.86 2:50.89  
25 737 Hendrix 3:18.57 29:16.53
124 Stephani Davenport   134 27:08.46   -2:08.07
148 Kelly Rappe   159 29:12.54 2:04.08 -3.99
151 Laura Gressler   163 29:32.74 20.2 16.21
156 Constance Robinson   168 30:01.88 29.14 45.35
158 Leah Bishop   170 30:27.03 25.15 1:10.5
160 Haley Stratton   172 30:55.99 28.96  
165 Nicholle Cromwell   177 31:51.82 55.83  
26 767 Oglethorpe 4:52.6 30:16.92
130 Tirzah Brown   141 27:40.59   -2:36.33
152 Khadija Nisar   164 29:36.02 1:55.43 -40.9
155 Katy Galli   167 30:00.14 24.12 -16.78
163 Nicole Ostermann   175 31:34.67 1:34.53 1:17.75
167 Jo O'Brien   179 32:33.19 58.52 2:16.27
171 Carol Rubens   184 38:00.20 5:27.01  
  Katie Bass   52 24:35.52    
  Kelsey Holdbrooks   57 24:42.07 6.55  
  Victoria Ports   124 26:44.06 2:01.99  
  Hallie Jordan   128 26:54.17 10.11  
    Marymount (Va.)    
  Jessica Daley   96 25:45.10    
  Payton Bodecker   114 26:24.93 39.83  
  Megan McMinn   162 29:30.55 3:05.62  
  Katherine Maloney   180 33:26.26 3:55.71  


Place Score First Name Last Name Class Team Mark Gap
1 1 Sophia Stone   Mary Baldwin 22:03.69  
2 2 Vanessa Moreno   Trinity (Tex.) 22:12.24 8.55
3 3 Maddie Murphy   Trinity (Tex.) 22:25.85 13.61
4 4 Olivia Mills   Bridgewater (Va.) 22:31.24 5.39
5 5 Kaylee Kubisiak   Bridgewater (Va.) 22:39.34 8.1
6 6 Rosemary Steup   Trinity (Tex.) 22:54.06 14.72
7 7 Ashley El Rady   Centre 23:01.05 6.99
8 8 Molly Ortiz   Washington and Lee 23:07.11 6.06
9 9 Lauren Schultz   Washington and Lee 23:08.58 1.47
10   Nicole Leman   LeTourneau 23:10.63 2.05
11 10 Brittany Alexander   Rhodes 23:15.49 4.86
12 11 Kiley Trennepohl   Lynchburg 23:19.77 4.28
13 12 Jackie Newell   Trinity (Tex.) 23:23.24 3.47
14 13 Lilly Duarte   Southwestern (Tex.) 23:25.19 1.95
15 14 Leigh Schimmoeller   Roanoke 23:25.93 .74
16 15 Rebecca Radcliffe   Catholic 23:26.31 .38
17 16 Jessica Pagano   Trinity (Tex.) 23:27.54 1.23
18 17 Marissa Gogniat So Emory 23:31.63 4.09
19 18 Tara Landy   Mary Washington 23:32.87 1.24
20 19 Keely Eckberg   Catholic 23:36.52 3.65
21 20 Hannah Ellis   Centre 23:36.77 .25
22 21 Hannah Moriarty So Emory 23:38.94 2.17
23 22 Jennifer Cooper   Mississippi College 23:40.64 1.7
24 23 Grace England   Roanoke 23:40.90 .26
25 24 Annelise Madison   Washington and Lee 23:42.83 1.93
26 25 Nicola Hill   Trinity (Tex.) 23:48.86 6.03
27 26 Liz Green   Mary Washington 23:51.04 2.18
28 27 Laura Kinley   Catholic 23:52.02 .98
29 28 Jessie Dean   Trinity (Tex.) 23:56.71 4.69
30 29 Aileen Rivell Fr Emory 23:58.32 1.61
31 30 Emily Akin   Centre 24:00.21 1.89
32 31 Keelin Treacy   Texas Lutheran 24:01.23 1.02
33 32 Tamara Surtees So Emory 24:02.14 .91
34 33 Calley Edwards Sr Emory 24:02.57 .43
35 34 Morgan Youd   Meredith 24:03.42 .85
36 35 Casey Mackintosh   Washington and Lee 24:04.32 .9
37 36 Hann Chappell-Dick   Eastern Mennonite 24:04.92 .6
38 37 Kamila Nemmcova   Spelman 24:11.56 6.64
39 38 Heather Smith   Spelman 24:14.23 2.67
40 39 Cristin Palmer   Centre 24:17.82 3.59
41 40 Lanae Kreider   Eastern Mennonite 24:19.69 1.87
42 41 Whitney Fitzgerald   Bridgewater (Va.) 24:20.07 .38
43 42 Willow Smith   University of the South 24:20.84 .77
44 43 Leidy Arias Bernal   Lynchburg 24:22.06 1.22
45 44 Zanny Ludtke   Bridgewater (Va.) 24:25.03 2.97
46 45 Stephanie Crane So Emory 24:25.58 .55
47 46 Megan Radenhausen   Centre 24:25.68 .1
48 47 Shelby Bryceland   Virginia Wesleyan 24:31.27 5.59
49 48 Hillary Quirk   Rhodes 24:31.33 .06
50   Julia Holub   Hardin-Simmons 24:33.28 1.95
51 49 Ashley Saba   Lynchburg 24:34.81 1.53
52   Katie Bass   Birmingham-Southern 24:35.52 .71
53 50 Hannah Smith So Emory 24:36.16 .64
54 51 Alexa Tabackman   Christopher Newport 24:36.40 .24
55 52 Camilla Loggins   Maryville (Tenn.) 24:39.11 2.71
56 53 Erin Rolaf   Christopher Newport 24:41.53 2.42
57   Kelsey Holdbrooks   Birmingham-Southern 24:42.07 .54
58 54 Trinity Smyth   Mary Washington 24:42.84 .77
59 55 Emily Reichenbach   Roanoke 24:44.38 1.54
60 56 Colleen Boyle   Mary Washington 24:45.31 .93
61 57 Kara Koinis   Southwestern (Tex.) 24:47.61 2.3
62 58 Melissa Longoria   Texas Lutheran 24:48.96 1.35
63 59 Maegan Leider   Concordia (Tex.) 24:51.83 2.87
64 60 Emily Guillaume   Maryville (Tenn.) 24:53.59 1.76
65 61 Suki Hoffman   Lynchburg 24:59.41 5.82
66 62 Claire Coulter   Rhodes 25:00.13 .72
67 63 Krista Rittenhouse   Eastern Mennonite 25:01.84 1.71
68 64 Meredith Johnson   Mississippi College 25:03.06 1.22
69 65 Cate Hargrove   University of the South 25:04.78 1.72
70   Dorothy Earner   Shenandoah 25:04.92 .14
71 66 Eliza Eaton   Christopher Newport 25:05.29 .37
72 67 Chelsea Johnson   Texas Lutheran 25:07.41 2.12
73 68 Micah Leonard   Rhodes 25:07.45 .04
74 69 Ainsley Pittman   Rhodes 25:08.59 1.14
75 70 Allison Eanes   Eastern Mennonite 25:12.01 3.42
76 71 Liz Wade   Virginia Wesleyan 25:12.28 .27
77 72 Melissa Rizor   Christopher Newport 25:13.64 1.36
78 73 Emma Helsel   Virginia Wesleyan 25:15.20 1.56
79 74 Megan Wagenaar   Concordia (Tex.) 25:15.38 .18
80 75 Rachel Soloman   Washington and Lee 25:15.75 .37
81 76 Caitlin Rowlette   Concordia (Tex.) 25:17.51 1.76
82 77 Deanna Corts   Christopher Newport 25:18.03 .52
83 78 Chafin Brumfield   Eastern Mennonite 25:19.33 1.3
84 79 Sara Sacks   Millsaps 25:20.58 1.25
85 80 Caroline Cerand   Mary Washington 25:23.84 3.26
86 81 Teresa Soley   Washington and Lee 25:25.42 1.58
87 82 Lauren Johnson   Bridgewater (Va.) 25:28.19 2.77
88 83 Stephanie Breen   Bridgewater (Va.) 25:30.06 1.87
89 84 Cara Martin   University of the South 25:30.12 .06
90 85 Jasmine O'Neill   Guilford 25:32.16 2.04
91 86 Ansley McDurmon   University of the South 25:34.17 2.01
92 87 Lauren Braney   Mary Washington 25:34.84 .67
93 88 Juni Schirch   Eastern Mennonite 25:37.44 2.6
94 89 Cristina Butrico   Catholic 25:40.20 2.76
95 90 Samantha Park   Mary Washington 25:42.27 2.07
96   Jessica Daley   Marymount (Va.) 25:45.10 2.83
97 91 Makenzie McDonald   Bridgewater (Va.) 25:45.68 .58
98 92 Jolee Paden   Eastern Mennonite 25:50.75 5.07
99 93 Jacqueline Graham   Lynchburg 25:52.10 1.35
100 94 Brandie Huffman   Washington and Lee 25:54.32 2.22
101 95 Miriam Oweis   Lynchburg 25:56.46 2.14
102 96 Varina Hart   Mississippi College 25:59.99 3.53
103 97 Allie Gallagher   Meredith 26:02.01 2.02
104 98 Samantha Lopez   Texas Lutheran 26:04.26 2.25
105 99 Sarah Haroldson   University of the South 26:04.31 .05
106 100 Courtney Gwin   Virginia Wesleyan 26:06.79 2.48
107 101 Erin Schlegel   Catholic 26:07.45 .66
108 102 Caroline Roberts   University of the South 26:08.47 1.02
109 103 Hannah Cline   Roanoke 26:10.29 1.82
110 104 Anna Noble   Roanoke 26:14.13 3.84
111 105 Jasmine Medrano   Texas Lutheran 26:16.17 2.04
112 106 Zoe Dubin   University of the South 26:17.39 1.22
113 107 Becca Olivarez   Rhodes 26:19.64 2.25
114   Payton Bodecker   Marymount (Va.) 26:24.93 5.29
115 108 Nancy-Margar Wehby   Rhodes 26:25.34 .41
116 109 Camille Seger   Centre 26:29.40 4.06
117 110 Tracy Estelus   Lynchburg 26:30.61 1.21
118 111 Rosemary Mulligan   Roanoke 26:33.71 3.1
119 112 Mallory Montgomery   Mississippi College 26:34.80 1.09
120 113 Kristen Rayfield   Catholic 26:35.23 .43
121 114 Illa Jones   Meredith 26:40.00 4.77
122 115 Jessica McClelland   Christopher Newport 26:41.54 1.54
123 116 Jillan Curran   Southwestern (Tex.) 26:41.61 .07
124   Victoria Ports   Birmingham-Southern 26:44.06 2.45
125   Baylee Talaska   Texas-Tyler 26:44.92 .86
126 117 Rebecca Reyna   Guilford 26:46.96 2.04
127 118 Amanda Fadden   Mary Baldwin 26:51.22 4.26
128   Hallie Jordan   Birmingham-Southern 26:54.17 2.95
129 119 Ashley Meadows   Texas Lutheran 26:55.15 .98
130 120 Celeste Neff   Concordia (Tex.) 26:55.84 .69
131 121 Maggie Robinson   Meredith 27:04.59 8.75
132 122 Wendy Deptula   Mary Baldwin 27:05.95 1.36
133 123 Aimee Slagle   Southwestern (Tex.) 27:07.34 1.39
134 124 Stephani Davenport   Hendrix 27:08.46 1.12
135 125 Megan Beebe   Meredith 27:10.98 2.52
136 126 Ashley Kate Kesler   Meredith 27:12.57 1.59
137 127 Lara Pantlin   Meredith 27:20.80 8.23
138 128 Amanda Lopez   Texas Lutheran 27:35.63 14.83
139 129 Christina Hadly   Southwestern (Tex.) 27:38.60 2.97
140   Lauren Brandner   LaGrange 27:39.28 .68
141 130 Tirzah Brown   Oglethorpe 27:40.59 1.31
142 131 Katie Coldiron   Centre 27:44.70 4.11
143 132 Melinda Solomon   Millsaps 27:46.99 2.29
144 133 Shakiella Daniel   Virginia Wesleyan 27:47.21 .22
145 134 Laura Wooden   Southwestern (Tex.) 27:59.18 11.97
146 135 Brandi Martin   Southwestern (Tex.) 28:01.02 1.84
147 136 Melissa Bauerle   Roanoke 28:02.19 1.17
148 137 Emily Cash   Guilford 28:12.10 9.91
149 138 Ashlyn Kittrell   Maryville (Tenn.) 28:20.52 8.42
150 139 Pasangi Perera   Guilford 28:21.73 1.21
151 140 Grace Lally   Catholic 28:23.37 1.64
152 141 Laney Lenox   Millsaps 28:24.11 .74
153 142 Mikaela Thurber   Millsaps 28:25.28 1.17
154 143 Ha Van Klompenburg   Concordia (Tex.) 28:32.44 7.16
155 144 Taylor Masson   Mississippi College 28:55.04 22.6
156 145 Altereasa Foster   Spelman 29:01.50 6.46
157 146 Susan Fasano   Millsaps 29:07.61 6.11
158 147 Sarah McGinnis   Maryville (Tenn.) 29:08.72 1.11
159 148 Kelly Rappe   Hendrix 29:12.54 3.82
160 149 Virginia McGiboney   Mary Baldwin 29:20.98 8.44
161 150 Taylor Huskey   Maryville (Tenn.) 29:23.52 2.54
162   Megan McMinn   Marymount (Va.) 29:30.55 7.03
163 151 Laura Gressler   Hendrix 29:32.74 2.19
164 152 Khadija Nisar   Oglethorpe 29:36.02 3.28
165 153 Amanda Harrison   Mary Baldwin 29:36.11 .09
166 154 Becka Reina   Concordia (Tex.) 29:52.70 16.59
167 155 Katy Galli   Oglethorpe 30:00.14 7.44
168 156 Constance Robinson   Hendrix 30:01.88 1.74
169 157 Brandi Millsaps   Maryville (Tenn.) 30:21.94 20.06
170 158 Leah Bishop   Hendrix 30:27.03 5.09
171 159 Victoria Barrett   Mary Baldwin 30:45.94 18.91
172 160 Haley Stratton   Hendrix 30:55.99 10.05
173 161 Nicole McNabb   Maryville (Tenn.) 30:57.46 1.47
174 162 Courtney Mebane   Virginia Wesleyan 31:16.07 18.61
175 163 Nicole Ostermann   Oglethorpe 31:34.67 18.6
176 164 Colleen Gonzalez   Guilford 31:40.86 6.19
177 165 Nicholle Cromwell   Hendrix 31:51.82 10.96
178 166 Morgan Love   Spelman 32:31.90 40.08
179 167 Jo O'Brien   Oglethorpe 32:33.19 1.29
180   Katherine Maloney   Marymount (Va.) 33:26.26 53.07
181 168 Jamie Luckhaus   Guilford 33:31.97 5.71
182 169 Rachel Flint   Guilford 36:22.86 2:50.89
183 170 JaaEl Lewis   Spelman 37:01.33 38.47
184 171 Carol Rubens   Oglethorpe 38:00.20 58.87